Legendary Evils Pre-release

With generous support from Wizards of the Coast, the DDM Guild is pleased to announce that a Monster Manual: Legendary Evils Pre-Release Tournament will be held at Gen Con Indianapolis on August 16, 2009.

DDM Guild Repaint: June 2009

Megan Smith, a valued community artist and Chapter Master in Brisbane, Australia, brings us the fourth in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Goblin Sharpshooter from Monster Manual: Dangerous Delves.

Explanation and General Instructions

Megan Smith writes:

Update: 2009 Constructed Qualifiers

Here we are, about to embark on another qualifiers season. The excitement is palpable.

Will players stay with old favorites, or do any of these new designs really have potential? We'll find out over the next few weeks. Players will be competing for positions at the GenCon championships, but most locations are making additional prizes available. These include Guild supplied maps and even some spectacular repaints, like these from the South Bend tournament this weekend.

Scenario D1: Drow Incursion

Looking for new and interesting ways to wage war with your miniature collection? Bored with the same old "metagame?"

Welcome to the launch of DDM Scenario Play. This new style of event is intended to offer new and fun options for the Dungeons and Dragons miniatures player.

DDM Guild Promo Cards

On May 23rd, gamers the world over will celebrate Worldwide D&D Game Day. Our very talented Guild artist, Joel Broveleit (demetri0us), has collaborated with Dutch Chapter Master David Balder (thekk) to bring us these exquisite DDM Guild Promo cards. The cards look great in color or black-and-white and can be printed and cut inexpensively at any copy store. The cards are a great way to get the word out about our beloved game.

Update: DDM Guild Donation Premiums

Since we first announced the availability of premium gifts for donors, the DDM Guild has received a very enthusiastic response from the community. We've received support from hundreds of players the world over. Here's a quick update on shipping of premiums.

The majority of battle map requests have been fulfilled, and the remainder will be shipped this week. Originally, we had hoped to ship maps and cards together. However, circumstances have intervened.

Dangerous Delves Stat Cards

At long last, the release of the first monsters in the new D&D Miniatures Monster Manual packs are about to arrive! In one week, you'll have your hands on the Aboleth Slime Mage, the Cyclops Crusher, the Beholder Eye Tyrant, and 37 of their best monster buddies.

Starting with a great foundation by Wizards of the Coast's Peter Lee, the DDM Guild has created stat cards for use with the Dangerous Delves monsters for use in the D&D Miniatures skirmish game.

The stat cards will be legal for all DCI-sanctioned and Online League events starting May 19th.

2009 Constructed Qualifiers: First Wave

The DDM Guild is pleased to anounce the locations of Qualifier tournaments for the 2009 D&D Miniatures Constructed Championship, held at Gen Con Indianapolis. This year's championship is an open tournament that is played in three stages -- Stage I on Friday, Stage II on Saturday, and Stage III on Sunday. Anyone can show up and test her luck and skill. So, why have qualifiers, you might ask?

Dangerous Delves release events

The DDM Guild is happy to support stores and clubs wishing to continue the tradition of cracking open two brand new boosters and building a warband that would never see play in any other skirmish format. Read the full article on the Wizards of the Coast website and download our fact sheet for all the information you need to run a Dangerous Delves Release Event.

Release Event Locations

Updated Rulebook and Errata