DDM Guild Repaint March 2010: Norker
Submitted by Megan Smith on Thu, Mar 11 2010 - 20:40Megan Smith, a valued community artist and Chapter Master in Brisbane, Australia, brings us number twelve in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Norker from Monster Manual: Savage Encounters.
Explanation and General Instructions
Megan Smith writes:
Call for Qualifiers & National Championships!
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Wed, Mar 10 2010 - 19:00As you’ve seen from our D&D XP presentation, the DDM Guild will attend GenCon Indy between the 5th and 8th of August 2010, and will host the 2010 Constructed Championships there. If you plan to attend, as we hope you are, you are probably already wondering… How will qualification for the biggest DDM event of the year work?
Floor Rules Update
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Sat, Mar 06 2010 - 17:00The DDM Guild is pleased to bring you the most recent update to the floor rules, which includes updates to the legal maps and figures, as well as a table of contents for quickly finding what you need if you are working from a print, rather than pdf, copy. We’ve also finally listed Windswept Precipice as legal for the small map formats (and you can still download it here), to confirm it is legal for sanctioned play.
Original Edition: Dangerous Delves Stat Cards
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Fri, Feb 19 2010 - 09:00I’d like to take this opportunity to post the first official communication from the original edition (OE) team, which many of you know colloquially as the 1.0 team. Designing and developing enduring and interesting stats is no light load, and and so it should come as no surprise to people that to release a quality product, it has taken some time. This has been a long and frustrating process, involving a guide for creating stats and acquiring an infrastructure to develop them. However, for those of you who still play the original edition, I think you’ll agree it was well worth the wait.
February 2010 Repaint: Deathrattle Viper
Submitted by Megan Smith on Thu, Feb 18 2010 - 20:55Megan Smith, a valued community artist and Chapter Master in Brisbane, Australia, brings us the eleventh in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Deathrattle Viper from Monster Manual: Savage Encounters.
Explanation and General Instructions
Megan Smith writes:
DDM Guild Seminar from XP
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Tue, Feb 09 2010 - 20:32Hello and Welcome, DDMers.
If you weren’t at XP, you missed some big announcements from both the Guild and from Wizards of the Coast. From the Wizards standpoint, there will only be a single set released this year, Lords of Madness. Originally slated for August, it will not hit stores until September. It will be a 60 piece set.
DDM at D&D Experience
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Mon, Jan 11 2010 - 09:09The Guild will be attending Dungeons and Dragons Experience in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and running a full host of fun and competitve tournaments.
The fun events include the community draft, the campaign card tournament, league, and a dungeon run, while competitive tournaments will include the annual Limited Championship tournament, and we will be introducing a new Arena Format Constructed championship. If you’ve played Arena, you know its a good bridge between fun and competitive play.
DDM Guild Repaint December 2009: Goblin Cutter
Submitted by Jim Ansaldo on Sun, Dec 06 2009 - 16:01Megan Smith, a valued community artist and Chapter Master in Brisbane, Australia, brings us the tenth in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Goblin Cutter from Monster Manual: Legendary Evils.
Explanation and General Instructions
Megan Smith writes:
Scenario D3: Drow Insurrection
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Tue, Nov 24 2009 - 11:17You can now download D3, Drow Insurrection, a brand-new 2-player scenario.
The scenario continues the Drow War campaign. D3 sees the true villainy of House Scy’Todes become apparent in vicious attacks against House P’Ortia. Having weakened House P’Ortia and spread out her assets, Scy’Todes has been discovered and must quickly deal a lethal blow to the upstart house. P’Ortia is outnumbered, but can summon reinforcements quickly. Can they prevail?
Savage Encounters Stat Cards
Submitted by Kevin Tatroe on Fri, Nov 13 2009 - 20:43With the release of Savage Encounters just days away, it’s time to get a cup of joe ready and pore over every detail of this set’s cards.
The stat cards will be legal for all DCI-sanctioned and Online League events starting November 17, 2009.
Kevin Tatroe led the Savage Encounters design team, consisting of himself and Stephen Hagan, with additional contributions by the Wizards of the Coast restat teams. Jim Ansaldo led the development team, consisting of himself and Keith Tatroe.