About DDM Guild

The DDM Guild is the community-driven organization formed to continue development and support of the D&D Miniatures game, including maintaining rules, sanctioned and unsanctioned events, and creating new cards for future D&D Miniatures sets.

D&D Miniatures Skirmish? What is that?

D&D Miniatures Skirmish mimics D&D RPG combat, but takes less time and requires only two players. Each player builds a warband from several miniatures, who are then pitted against each other. The rules are similar to D&D RPG-combat, but streamlined as appropriate for a head-to-head game.

It relies on strategy, tactics and a bit of luck. Some people play it when they wait for late arrivals in their RPG group, others go to tournaments or conventions and play with other people.

A Guild for DDM? Why?

D&D Miniatures have an obvious use on the RPG table. But with the launch of the prepainted miniatures line in 2003, Wizards of the Coast have added special skirmish statistics cards. Since that time, D&D Skirmish has attracted a large, committed and, above all, friendly community.

In October 2008, Wizards of the Coast announced plans to change the packaging scheme starting with the release of Dangerous Delves. This would be the first set in which they would cease to support the Skirmish game. The community discussed their options and it became clear that they wanted the Skirmish game to continue. Several initiatives were launched and discussed with Wizards of the Coast, and after a short while, Wizards announced that they had put the Skirmish game in the hand of the DDM Guild.

Since then the DDM Guild has updated the rules and options for the game. These updates include errata, new releases of stat cards, and released stat cards for sets released by Wizards of the Coast and multiple sets of item cards. These can all be downloaded for free here: D&D Miniatures Battle Rules page.

I want to play! How?

It starts here! We have all you need to download to get started. You will need to acuire miniatures and a map with a 1 inch by 1 inch grid on it. If you found your way here, the probability is that you already have this. Of course, it helps to have other players in your local community to play the game with. You can also find players on the forum.

View DDM Guild Chapters in a larger map

You guys are great! Who are you actually?

D. Garry Stupack (Organized Play Lead, Guildmaster, Design Lead) began playing D&D Miniatures in 2003 as a way to share time and a common hobby with his son. As they became entrenched in the competitive side of the game, Garry was recruited to help support the Organized Play activities, and has been judging all types of WotC miniatures games at major cons since Gen Con So Cal in 2004 (There was a gencon in socal, really?) He's also been the head judge for most of the events in the recent years after repeatedly finishing in the top tiers at all world championships. Garry (and son) have had Star Wars Miniatures scenarios and D&D Miniatures web articles published on the WotC web site.

Ira Fay (Guildmaster and Developer) is a 'relatively' new DDM player that has crushed all opposition as he quickly strode into the realm of guildmastering. Seriously, Ira is the author of many games, and has great insights into game design and development. This helps him in his day job as a college professor, teaching...game design. Ira hosts the DDM webcard site and is in the process of expanding it -
and plays key writing roles behind the scenes. Within the guild he has played critical behind the scenes roles in developing long term strategies, and the recent bounce back and growth of the guild must be attributed, at least in part, to him.

James Moraturi (Assistant Guildmaster) James is one of the most thoughtful players in the game, and has played key roles in design and review. He is well known as the GenCon Boss for the DDM events, but his contributions are year round. James is one of three college professors that adminstrate the DDM guild, which makes some people feel good. He was co-designer of the War of the Dragon Queen restats, led the teams designing the Deathknell and Giants of Legend restats. He has written numerous adventures for the RPGA, including numerous Xen'drik Expeditions. By day (and often by night), he is a software engineer and has written or contributed to several programming books.

David Balder (Silent Webmaster) is playing RPG's since he was 15 years old. But it still took him around 10 years to discover his first D&D Miniatures. But since that time, he was hooked. David also quickly discovered organized play and has played his share of tournaments, including the 2008 European Championship.After Wizards of the Coast made the DDM Guild the custodian of D&D Miniatures, David assumed dutiesthe first Dutch Chaptermaster. During that time, he also started judging, including at the 2009 and 2010 European Championships. David works as a government official in the field of soil remediation. Seriously, it is not as dull as it sounds.

Kevin Tatroe (Guildmaster, Retired) has run the popular D&D Miniatures fansite Hordelings for five years. More recently, he took on the mantle of developing the DDM Oracle and DDM Comprehensive Rules Guide. He was co-designer of the War of the Dragon Queen restats, and led the teams designing the Deathknell and Giants of Legend restats. He has written numerous adventures for the RPGA, including numerous Xen'drik Expeditions. By day (and often by night), he is a software engineer and has written or contributed to several programming books. Kevin owns a frog hat, and looks ridiculous in it.