DDM Guild Seminar from XP

Hello and Welcome, DDMers.

If you weren’t at XP, you missed some big announcements from both the Guild and from Wizards of the Coast. From the Wizards standpoint, there will only be a single set released this year, Lords of Madness. Originally slated for August, it will not hit stores until September. It will be a 60 piece set.

For the painters amongst you, the Ravenloft board game offers 42 unpainted miniatures. And a surprise was promised for the fall. I have no idea what it is, but wonder if it will be part of the essentials collection D&D RPG stuff.

The Guild news is summarized in the Seminar found here. The Guild is going to use this time to focus on the development of new maps, items and other infrastructure. Believe it or not, we need to start doing the stats for Lords of Madness right now, to ensure they are available for our exclusive pre-release at GenCon. And of course, we’ll need to stat a certain iconic demon prince.

So have a look, let us know what you think, and post some feedback for us.



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Member since:
20 August 2013
Last activity:
11 years 7 weeks
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