Revised Edition

DDM 'Reprint' Miniatures: new Heroscape miniatures with smaller bases

Scenario D4: Drow Impasse

As the fight for trade resources in the Underdark accelerated, Drow House Scy’Todes and the upstart Drow House P’Ortia engaged in many small skirmishes in throughout their many holdings. Farmed caverns and distant outposts. While fear of other Drow houses kept these houses from large scale battles, numerous clandestine clashes throughout the Underdark claimed many sons and daughters from the two Drow houses. Lolth looked upon the ingenuity and viciousness of her children, and she smiled.

State of the Metagame 2010: Wild

And so we come to the end of this years miniseries of the 2010 State of the Metagame for D&D Miniatures. Has 2009 Constructed Champion Shayne “Brig ” Lindemann opened your eyes to some new warbands in the Borderlands, Civilization or Underdark articles? If he didn’t do that already, he has one final shot in this Wild article.

Updated Floor Rules

As we’ve done in past years, we have updated the floor rules for the competitive season. There aren’t any changes to the rules for tournaments, in fact, all changes are confined to page 9…

Oh Athame, we hardly knew ye…

We aren’t sure how many of you will get that reference, but to explain further, if you check the updated list of banned D&D Miniatures in Standard tournaments, you will find three humanoid races represented; Human, Elf and Athame.

State of the Metagame 2010: Underdark

The 2010 Qualifier season is almost starting. While we are waiting for the official announcement to go live, we have some time to start considering which warband to bring!

State of the Metagame 2010: Civilization

The 2010 Qualifier season coming nearer every week. You have all seen the announcement article, so it really is time to consider which warband to bring! Wizards of the Coast and us, the DDM Guild have released quite a few new sets since last GenCon: the sets Aberrations through Harbinger and (of course) .