Update: DDM Guild Donation Premiums

Since we first announced the availability of premium gifts for donors, the DDM Guild has received a very enthusiastic response from the community. We've received support from hundreds of players the world over. Here's a quick update on shipping of premiums.

  • The majority of battle map requests have been fulfilled, and maps continue to be shipped within 2-3 weeks of their request.
  • Printed stat cards for Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 1 and Monster Manual: Dangerous Delves will remain out-of-print indefinitely.
  • Printed stat cards for Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2 and Monster Manual: Legendary Evils have been delayed indefinitely.

Donors who have requested stat card premiums now have two options: request battle map premiums in place of stat card premiums or wait. We realize that this situation isn't ideal, and we apologize for the delay. As always, feel free to contact us if you have comments, concerns, or questions.



SandyClaire's picture
Member since:
19 November 2013
Last activity:
10 years 43 weeks
Pervez74's picture