Super Heroes


Ira's picture
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27 May 2013
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Matob Matobsen's picture
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skyscraper's picture
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bakterius's picture
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plastic finn's picture
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Laurian's picture
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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Lehto is a bit weak, particularly on maps with no forest. But Lehto can do everything, and with very cheap support in the form of a beast, is quite likely to be able to destroy many of the others in this set.

If you are within 18 squares of Lehto, you are in imminent danger. I believe Lehto will change the Epic metagame completely.

Laurian's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 5 weeks
tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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3 years 5 weeks

Not necessarily only 60, if you time it correctly, acting late in the round against a vulnerable target.
If you win initiative the next round, the cougar runs away and recharges the same helpless foe.

Against Jaristan, for example, the original Lehto attack (on charge) in your scenario does 35 damage, and then the cougar may do 120 more.

But if you have a griffon positioned too, you might be able to do a LOT of damage, without requiring that you win initiative.

I'll leave it to you to optimize.

John Almack's picture
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28 April 2013
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6 years 29 weeks
Thenameless's picture
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27 August 2011
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13 weeks 4 days
Darkones's picture
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7 July 2011
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3 years 37 weeks
Thenameless's picture
Member since:
27 August 2011
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13 weeks 4 days
Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
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3 years 35 weeks