Strategy Guide: 50 point Assault


tbiaslorin's picture
Member since:
7 January 2015
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4 years 34 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
OWL's picture
Member since:
22 November 2014
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8 years 41 weeks
Justjooaivan's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
1 year 15 weeks

Nebin, Gnome Illusionist not being on the list must be an oversight. That guy is a beast in this format (just ask Demetrious).

Moraturi's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
3 years 39 weeks
Justjooaivan's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
1 year 15 weeks

You just wanted to catch us with our pants around our ankles the next time we face online in a 50 pt match, admit it. Wink

Moraturi's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
3 years 39 weeks
Pervez74's picture