Ravnica Main Set


GiliusThunderHead's picture
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7 July 2011
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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3 years 5 weeks

Hmmm. I updated a page and lost all the icons from pages 5 and 6.
Will add them back soon. Nothing should change, but I will add a new file with updated spacing on one of the items and on the card.

TheWoodcutter's picture
Member since:
11 July 2011
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3 years 35 weeks
Koen's picture
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7 July 2011
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4 years 1 week
skyscraper's picture
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10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
GiliusThunderHead's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 4 weeks
Koen's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 1 week
Kerghan The Terrible's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 11 weeks
GiliusThunderHead's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 4 weeks
Appl-GV's picture
Member since:
25 January 2016
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3 years 19 weeks
tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
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3 years 5 weeks

It is a mistake. Second power is missing the checkbox. Not infinitely useable.
One of several little things we should have caught.

Precipitation's picture
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7 July 2011
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3 years 39 weeks
alepulp's picture
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7 July 2011
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Shinsek's picture
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6 June 2015
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2 years 19 weeks
alepulp's picture
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7 July 2011
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2 years 38 weeks
Darkones's picture
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7 July 2011
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3 years 37 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
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3 years 5 weeks

A couple Points:

{a] There will be an Epic set to be released for Ravnica. So, you might expect a dragon to be released as part of that...

[b] I've been looking for any additional typos - if you happen to note anything, let me know and I will do a final update (including the issues on page 6 as noted above).

Darkones's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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3 years 37 weeks
Shinsek's picture
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6 June 2015
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2 years 19 weeks
bshugg's picture
Member since:
11 July 2011
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2 years 25 weeks
Appl-GV's picture
Member since:
25 January 2016
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3 years 19 weeks
bakterius's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 21 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
bakterius's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 21 weeks
bakterius's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 21 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
Shinsek's picture
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6 June 2015
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2 years 19 weeks
Appl-GV's picture
Member since:
25 January 2016
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3 years 19 weeks
tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
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3 years 5 weeks

They have the same trigger, and must be declared at the same time.

The V3 rules use something called alternating declarations to make player's lives simpler.
You declare and resolve powers in response to a given trigger back and forth. And, you resolve them, as long as the original trigger for power remains valid.

If you resolve PACT, you invalidate the trigger for Flash, because the creature is not destroyed.

If you resolve Flash, you will remove the creature from the board, and it is destroyed. Creatures removed from the board by destruction cannot trigger powers.

A defensive power that did 10 damage to the attacker, and a second power that turns a hit into a miss would interact in a similar way.

skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
GiliusThunderHead's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 4 weeks
Shinsek's picture
Member since:
6 June 2015
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2 years 19 weeks
bakterius's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 21 weeks
Shinsek's picture
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6 June 2015
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2 years 19 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 29 weeks
Shinsek's picture
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6 June 2015
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2 years 19 weeks
LiC's picture
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7 July 2011
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1 year 37 weeks
LiC's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 37 weeks
plastic finn's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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3 years 36 weeks