New DDM Guild Donation Premiums!

Since we first announced the availability of premium gifts for donors, the DDM Guild has received a very enthusiastic response from the community. We've received support from hundreds of players the world over. Today, we'd like to update you on shipping of premiums and introduce a couple of new options.

All current battle map requests have been fulfilled shipped. In addition, just this week, we've received the printed stat cards for Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 1 and Monster Manual: Dangerous Delves. The cards look great! We'll begin shipping cards this week and should have all requests fulfilled within two to three weeks.

Now that we've worked out the kinks in the card-printing process, we'd like to announce the availability of professionally-printed stat cards for the upcoming Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2 and Monster Manual: Legendary Evils sets. The latter set releases on August 18, 2009, and shipping will begin soon thereafter. Guild members attending Gen Con Indy will get a sneak peak at the cards.

New cards -- yeehaw! Donate to the DDM Guild today!



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Member since:
5 December 2013
Last activity:
11 years 5 weeks
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