Finding and forming a DDM Guild Chapter
A DDM Guild Chapter is a local gaming community, headed by a Chapter Master, and comprised of members who play face-to-face on a regular basis and who have registered for membership with the DDM Guild. Chapter members receive all the regular benefits of DDM Guild membership and also are eligible for participation in special events, such as the DDM Guild Online League. In the future, Chapter members will enjoy organized play rewards and participation in special events.
How do I find my local DDM Guild Chapter?
Consult the map below for Chapter locations and contact information.
How can I form a DDM Guild Chapter?
In order to form a DDM Guild Chapter, a local player or tournament organizer must apply to become a Chapter Master. Are you that local guy or gal who keeps everyone informed of the latest scuttlebutt on the forums? Are you the one who always knows the dates for the next tournament or league night? Are you the one that is holding the local scene together? If so, you’re already doing the work of a Chapter Master, so why not be recognized and rewarded for your efforts? Chapter Masters will:
- Communicate with local players regarding the Guild, membership, benefits, etc.
- Help the Chapter Lead to maintain rosters for each Chapter
- Communicate member feedback to the Chapter Lead
- Keep local players and store personnel informed regarding the latest rules, resources, and local/regional/national events
- Act as tournament organizers and judges—or help to ensure that those roles are filled
- Report sanctioned and unsanctioned events—or help to ensure that they are reported
Interested parties should Contact Us. Please give us your name, public contact information (email is preferable), proposed geographic Chapter area, play location(, and regular play time(.
20 August 2013
11 years 7 weeks