Guild news
Heroscape to DDM re-base guide
Submitted by Megan Smith on Thu, Mar 18 2010 - 06:39We realize that just adding a few rules in the floor rules legalizing re-based Heroscape™ miniatures may not be enough for everyone. So we asked our monthly repaint artist (Australian Megan Smith) to write a guide on re-basing miniatures. And she finished her article in time, because those clear elementals are soon available in stores near you! Megan, the floor is yours!
Floor Rules Update
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Sat, Mar 06 2010 - 17:00The DDM Guild is pleased to bring you the most recent update to the floor rules, which includes updates to the legal maps and figures, as well as a table of contents for quickly finding what you need if you are working from a print, rather than pdf, copy. We’ve also finally listed Windswept Precipice as legal for the small map formats (and you can still download it here), to confirm it is legal for sanctioned play.
DDM Guild Seminar from XP
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Tue, Feb 09 2010 - 20:32Hello and Welcome, DDMers.
If you weren’t at XP, you missed some big announcements from both the Guild and from Wizards of the Coast. From the Wizards standpoint, there will only be a single set released this year, Lords of Madness. Originally slated for August, it will not hit stores until September. It will be a 60 piece set.
Update: DDM Guild Donation Premiums
Submitted by Jim Ansaldo on Thu, Sep 24 2009 - 16:48Since we first announced the availability of premium gifts for donors, the DDM Guild has received a very enthusiastic response from the community. We've received support from hundreds of players the world over. Here's a quick update on shipping of premiums.
- The majority of battle map requests have been fulfilled, and maps continue to be shipped within 2-3 weeks of their request.
- Printed stat cards for Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 1 and Monster Manual: Dangerous Delves will remain out-of-print indefinitely.
DDM Guild Gear
Submitted by Jim Ansaldo on Sun, Aug 02 2009 - 08:05Show your guild pride with official DDM Guild logo merchandise! Just in time for Gen Con, miniatures enthusiasts can choose from a variety of gear. Look for more to be added soon.
Many thanks to Joel "Demetri0us" Broveleit for setting up the site and Jared "OhGodtheRats" vonHindman for donating some of his awesome artwork.