Updated Floor Rules
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Thu, Apr 22 2010 - 20:47As we’ve done in past years, we have updated the floor rules for the competitive season. There aren’t any changes to the rules for tournaments, in fact, all changes are confined to page 9…
Oh Athame, we hardly knew ye…
We aren’t sure how many of you will get that reference, but to explain further, if you check the updated list of banned D&D Miniatures in Standard tournaments, you will find three humanoid races represented; Human, Elf and Athame.
North American Championship Series
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Mon, Apr 19 2010 - 08:00Last week, we sent out the first bolus of information on the World Championship Series for 2010. This week, we tie up the loose end that is the North American Championships. Qualifiers across Canada and the United States begin one month from now, and build towards the Championship at GenCon.
State of the Metagame 2010: Underdark
Submitted by Shayne Lindeman on Fri, Apr 16 2010 - 21:00The 2010 Qualifier season is almost starting. While we are waiting for the official announcement to go live, we have some time to start considering which warband to bring!
State of the Metagame 2010: Civilization
Submitted by Shayne Lindeman on Thu, Apr 08 2010 - 21:55The 2010 Qualifier season coming nearer every week. You have all seen the announcement article, so it really is time to consider which warband to bring! Wizards of the Coast and us, the DDM Guild have released quite a few new sets since last GenCon: the sets Aberrations through Harbinger and (of course) .
2010 National Championship Series
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Thu, Apr 08 2010 - 21:50The DDM Guild is pleased to, for the first time, officially support a series of National D&D Miniatures Championships across the world. These championships provide a great tournament environment, with byes provided for the National winners for use in any of the elite Continental championships. The winner of the largest Continental Championship (in numbers of participants) will be crowned the World Constructed DDM Champion for 2010.
DDM Guild Repaint April 2010: Skeletal Tiefling
Submitted by Megan Smith on Mon, Apr 05 2010 - 11:25Megan Smith, a valued community artist and Chapter Master in Brisbane, Australia, brings us number thirteen in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Skeletal Tiefling from Monster Manual: Savage Encounters. Instead of repeating the same intro every month, we decided to compile it into a single introduction article. With that behind us, we can immediately skip right to repainting!
DDM Guild Repaints - Introduction
Submitted by Megan Smith on Mon, Apr 05 2010 - 11:24Megan Smith has always enjoyed receiving D&D Miniatures repaints from OP. This introduction gives you a bit more background on the how and why of monthly DDM Guild repaints.
Campaign Cards are Here!
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Thu, Apr 01 2010 - 22:56After months in development, the Campaign Cards are truly here. I guess by ‘here’, I actually mean here.
These were first revealed for the group at D&D Experience in Fort Wayne, and those folks walked away with some preprinted cardstock, ready to start their games immediately. Now, the rest of us can join in.
State of the Metagame 2010: Borderlands
Submitted by Shayne Lindeman on Thu, Apr 01 2010 - 21:00The 2010 Qualifier season is almost starting. While we are waiting for the official announcement to go live, we have some time to start considering which warband to bring!
Heroscape to DDM re-base guide
Submitted by Megan Smith on Thu, Mar 18 2010 - 06:39We realize that just adding a few rules in the floor rules legalizing re-based Heroscape™ miniatures may not be enough for everyone. So we asked our monthly repaint artist (Australian Megan Smith) to write a guide on re-basing miniatures. And she finished her article in time, because those clear elementals are soon available in stores near you! Megan, the floor is yours!