Scenario D2: Drow Intervention
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Fri, Aug 07 2009 - 13:30You can now download Scenario D2, Drow Intervention, which can be played as either a two-player game or a multi-player scenario.
The format sees House P'Ortia continue its raids against Clan Mardek. At least it seems like this is the case with a cursory observation. But there certainly are strange things afoot. For one thing, the dwarf sages tell us that Clan P'Ortia isn't one of the demon-blessed drow houses; rather, it is a travel and trade-based house. So why is there a draegloth in that warband?
Battle Rules Updates
Submitted by Kevin Tatroe on Tue, Jul 21 2009 - 06:20I hope you're all prepping your Championship warbands, getting ready to start playing with the Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2 figures releasing today, and bracing yourself for the rapid Legendary Evils previews starting Thursday.
Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2 Stat Cards
Submitted by Kevin Tatroe on Tue, Jul 14 2009 - 18:57It doesn't even seem possible, but the second set of _Player's Handbook Heroes_ miniatures are just around the corner. Soon, you'll have the Rashemi Witch, the Windmaster Mage, and the rest in your hands.
While several of these cards retained stats originally designed and developed for _Feywild_ and other unreleased sets, and several others are reprints of past and upcoming restats, the rest are entirely the Guild's own creations.
The stat cards will be legal for all DCI-sanctioned and Online League events starting July 21, 2009.
Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2: Preview 3
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Wed, Jul 08 2009 - 12:54After last week's scary jaunt in the wilderness, and at the risk of sounding a bit like a Drow, might I suggest we retire to the safer and more secure caverns of the Underdark?
Here, we will meet three different heroes that will only play nicely together when found in this sunless realm. However, they are a true bargain as a squad, weighing in at under 80 points. Nonetheless, outside the Underdark, they only see each other over crossed swords (or spears, as the case may be).
In particular, the Tiefling Spearfighter is a disciplined veteran of both Borderlands and Underdark warbands.
Eternal Blade Recall
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Tue, Jun 30 2009 - 12:00It has become a tradition, just prior to GenCon, for the designers and the Organized Play folks to sit down and examine the state of the game. Of course, given the current state of the Guild, this is a metaphoric sit down, as we are scattered across the globe, but it follows the pattern set down by our predecessors at Wizards. Our quest lies in those figures that are causing problems for the Guild membership at large.
Scenario DW1: The Frost Giant's Picket
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Wed, Jun 24 2009 - 20:00The Drow Wars continue, or at least a small chapter in them. This week's scenario, the Frost Giant's Picket, utilizes the popular Arena format and pits frost giant against dwarf in the snowy realms of the Windswept Precipice. Slog along with dwarves as they attempt to light a signal fire, or play the ambushers to test your entrapment skills. The grognards among you will see the connection between the drow and their frost giant allies, even if the Eberron-born think they are the ones that should be fighting.