Scenario D4: Drow Impasse
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Mon, May 24 2010 - 22:00As the fight for trade resources in the Underdark accelerated, Drow House Scy’Todes and the upstart Drow House P’Ortia engaged in many small skirmishes in throughout their many holdings. Farmed caverns and distant outposts. While fear of other Drow houses kept these houses from large scale battles, numerous clandestine clashes throughout the Underdark claimed many sons and daughters from the two Drow houses. Lolth looked upon the ingenuity and viciousness of her children, and she smiled.
Updated Floor Rules
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Thu, Apr 22 2010 - 20:47As we’ve done in past years, we have updated the floor rules for the competitive season. There aren’t any changes to the rules for tournaments, in fact, all changes are confined to page 9…
Oh Athame, we hardly knew ye…
We aren’t sure how many of you will get that reference, but to explain further, if you check the updated list of banned D&D Miniatures in Standard tournaments, you will find three humanoid races represented; Human, Elf and Athame.
Campaign Cards are Here!
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Thu, Apr 01 2010 - 22:56After months in development, the Campaign Cards are truly here. I guess by ‘here’, I actually mean here.
These were first revealed for the group at D&D Experience in Fort Wayne, and those folks walked away with some preprinted cardstock, ready to start their games immediately. Now, the rest of us can join in.
Original Edition: Dangerous Delves Stat Cards
Submitted by D. Garry Stupack on Fri, Feb 19 2010 - 09:00I’d like to take this opportunity to post the first official communication from the original edition (OE) team, which many of you know colloquially as the 1.0 team. Designing and developing enduring and interesting stats is no light load, and and so it should come as no surprise to people that to release a quality product, it has taken some time. This has been a long and frustrating process, involving a guide for creating stats and acquiring an infrastructure to develop them. However, for those of you who still play the original edition, I think you’ll agree it was well worth the wait.