Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2: Preview 2

This week's preview takes us on a jaunt into the scary wilderness, where we find three different takes on the Wild hero. Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2 gives Wild a shot in the arm -- perhaps enough that we'll see many green warbands at GenCon in six weeks or so. Perhaps even one or two of the creatures previewed today will make the critical cut.

We'll start with the least wild of the bunch, the Gnome Sneak. While normally a Fey child of the wild, you'll sometimes see him creeping into the civilized lands -- and not just to steal from them!

This gnome leads a bit of a double life, hanging out in Civilized warbands, which may be how he learned to pick pockets. Most creatures don't appreciate having their pockets picked, but Champions in particular are irritated when the Sneak steals from their bag of tricks. Between Cutpurse and his ranged attack, the Sneak acts a bit like a controller, but if he can get combat advantage, he can certainly dish out the damage, too.

Forging further into the trackless forest, we find the Razorclaw Ranger. This is one hunter than knows his quarry, and even the Gnome's Hide won't save him from the Razorclaw's Catch the Scent.

This power nicely reflects the slightly feral feel of the Razorclaw, and it's not coincidence that he works best in packs. This fact is also reflected in Cut and Run, which permits several Razorclaws to work in concert to take down a single, titanic foe.

Assuming you've gotten this deep into the dark and overgrown regions of the Wild, you may finally meet the Rashemi Witch, but you'll be meeting her on her own terms.

Her Rasheman Homeland power allows her warband to roll up to three d20 for map choice, providing a boost for Wild's generally lower champion ratings. Continuing the theme, Place Magic can mean instant damage or a quick shuffle to those who oppose her will, and there is no end to the Primal heroes willing to protect her from the spears and arrows of her enemies.

Of course, reaching her is made even harder by Frost of Rasheman, which limits how far you can move. Although her overall damage output is somewhat low for her cost, you definitely get the feeling you aren't particularly welcome wherever she is.

And on that note, it may be time to leave...

Next week, we forsake the Wild to meet the heroes that explore the caverns of the Underdark.


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