What's your opinion on the Online League?

Demetrious is taking over the weekly Online League and wants to know what you think of it, whether you participated or not!

Hey folks!

In anticipation of Bokkendo and I taking over the 2.0 DDM Guild Online League after the current season, I have posted an online survey. The informal survey is mainly for us to get a feel for what formats interest the participants. And also about what caused people not to participate. I would also like it to act as a primer for discussion about the online league itself.

But first, a big thanks to Tundrin and JohnnyQuest for running the league so smoothly until now. JohnnyQuest started the league early on in the formation of the guild. Essentially cutting the entire endeavor from whole cloth. No small task! Tundrin took over last year with the intent of continuing the league and offering the group within a group a place to find a great game every week. The work these folks have done has been invaluable. Laying the groundwork for what has become a DDM Guild tradition and staple. I personally believe the 2.0 DDM Guild Online League is helping to shape the very game.

Our goal will be to build on that tradition and to hopefully widen the appeal of the 2.0 DDM Guild Online League to include more participation.

We encourage all DDM folks to take the survey and encourage others to participate. All answers are anonymous. You do not have to have every participated in the 2.0 DDM Guild Online League to take the survey.

2.0 DDM Guild Online League Survey

Thanks for your help!

You can post your reactions to the poll in this thread.



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19 November 2013
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