Waterdeep Dragon Heist


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TheWoodcutter's picture
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bakterius's picture
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It was a really fun set to design, once again. A special thanks to my two team mates, Darian and Matt, and to Dwayne for his impressive continued work on the game, including his valuable input and improvements during development.

To the Xanathar question, the sculpts are different, if somewhat similar, and the stat cards do not have the same name, so the cards and the sculpts are not interchangeable.

GiliusThunderHead's picture
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tried's picture
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The wording works like the following:

Sneak Attack 5: +5 damage vs. targets granting it combat advantage.
Keen Critical 19: Scores critical hits on a score of 19 or 20.
Powerful charge 10: +10 damage while charging.
Heavy Pick: Triple damage on critical hits.

(ie., it always refers to attacks by the creature with the power, unless explicitly stated otherwise).

Probably could have been worded as : When it scores a critical, target is also Blinded.
[b]Will edit this.[/b]

Word also is not absolutely necessary, it just points out that this is in addition to extra damage.

tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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Its formatted like this on purpose so you only need to print the figures you need for a given application. its a waste of ink (and paper) to print out all the cards when you only need 8, for example.

Koen's picture
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Appl-GV's picture
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tried's picture
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"Thank you for new set. I want ask about Xanathar. It is legal play with oldest MM2 sculpt? This "new" sculpt looks almost same as previous. thank you"

The old sculpt is called beholder, and the Xanathar card is for use with the beholder.
(as detailed on the card).

The new sculpt is called Xanathar. The problem with the old card is that is says it is for use with the beholder, suggesting that it cannot be used with that actual Xanathar mini.

The old sculpt, says beholder. Technically, ANY sculpt that just says beholder on the bottom can be used with the [b]original[/b] beholder card (because the card matches).

I understand this may be confusing, and we are in discussions to clear this up.

As of this moment, organized play supports the use of any card that exactly matches the name printed on the bottom of the miniature, or any card assigned to it. We'll put out a clarification soon.

Shinsek's picture
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bakterius's picture
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Shinsek's picture
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Sirohk's picture
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bshugg's picture
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Ira's picture
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I love reading your reviews, Brad!! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. You're certainly one of the strongest players around, so I trust your judgment on these.

I also agree that the design is great, and in particular, I think they've done some incredible things for Sealed and Draft play, which is where we're actually seeing some player growth. I think the overall balance of the set is excellent, and I agree with your initial comment about not having every mini Tier 1 and pushing the envelope.

skyscraper's picture
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skyscraper's picture
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bshugg's picture
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skyscraper's picture
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bshugg's picture
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skyscraper's picture
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plastic finn's picture
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plastic finn's picture
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