Tyranny; the Gift that keeps on Giving.


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Justjooaivan's picture
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I totally love the idea of creature specific items. Very cool. Though many of these Goblins and Hobgoblins did need help, goblins as a race sure did not. They were super competitive before and this of course did not make them less so. Expect to see many of these little buggers on the board. I love how Norker accidentally (or perhaps not) became a viable piece too.

Justjooaivan's picture
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And just as goblins were strong enough to start with, so are the YT. If one can make more wishes to our generous Guild Santa, then perhaps make such items for keywords/themes that are currently not competitive.

Oh, and on the Dragon thingy, besides point cost, it ignores any other build limitations (we can for example mix good dragons with evil ones with this power)?

Also Missile Protection Sigil, the "AC and Defense" really should have read "all defenses" for consistency's sake, right?

Bugbear Headreavers, oh my. Scary.

alepulp's picture
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tried's picture
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Vanguard of Bane is the Hobgoblin with the LARGE sword found in the Dungeon Command Goblins set.

Justjooaivan's picture
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Dwarves seem quite competitive to me.

Perhaps more love to

Magical Beast
Mind Flayer

Many of the above have some great individuals, but really can not be built to theme and be compatible. Especially Giants, Demons and Devils are examples of themes with great sculpts and cool stories but really underwhelming stats.

alepulp's picture
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tried's picture
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I don't think Ulmo would get a card per se.
Rather, he would be an indirect beneficiary of another card.

Justjooaivan's picture
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Any takers on my Dragon Question?

tried's picture
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As pointed out above. An evil dragon can explicitly be recruited into a good warband.
This opens up obvious (Dragon Samurai) as well as somewhat less obvious combinations.
But you have to pay the tax (Talon of Tiamat).

It was curious during design to come to the realization that the high priest of one of the lords of hell is not, in fact, evil.

Justjooaivan's picture
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Does Sociopath limit apply? In light of good/evil, one would think not. Talon tax is high in 200, but not so high in 500 (I'm aware 500 is probably not a playtest focus).

DROW's picture
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roblyon's picture
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Koen's picture
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tried's picture
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The headreaver needs combat advantage, and since the card does not specify the creature gaining the benefit, it is implicit that only the Headreaver gains it. For example, read the description of sneak attack on one of the cards, and tell me if it applies to all creatures on your squad, or only the one with sneak attack. Powerful charge is the same - if an ally could somehow do an immediate attack in the middle of creature A's powerful charge, would the charge benefit apply? I think not. This is one case where I do not believe a card revision is really required, and in fact could be confusing by setting the wrong precedent.

Ira's picture
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