Ten Years of DDM The Decade in Retrospect: Part III, Transition


alepulp's picture
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7 July 2011
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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The largest problem, IMO, was that they didn't immediately promise restats for everything. In fact, it would have been good if they had many of them ready to go at the time of the change announcement.

Many players felt like they had invested significantly in the game to that point. If the relative power levels of top creatures were 'generally' ported over to the new game, players would have felt somewhat less betrayed by the overall policy switch to 4e. After all, its not like the game was more difficult to master. My favorite version of 4e is the minis game.

I've never been a purely competitive player in the CE environment, always a designer/judge/OP guy. (though I have snuck into a few tournaments, sure...). But this may have happened when one follows the price of petroleum anyway, since it limits releases. Less new product releases will tend to do that. I think our answer of items and maps was a good alternative. That said, we are a little handcuffed because we can't stat compatible products, like PF. However, in the grand scheme of things, we are lucky that we had people like Peter Lee and Scott Rouse supporting us inside WoTC, or the current situation would be a lot grimmer.

alepulp's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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DROW's picture
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7 July 2011
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