Smoke and Fire...


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plastic finn's picture
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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Good questions. I've also noted that some humans are also in the wrong factions. Smile

The new home for ALL intelligent genie type elementals is Civ/Borderlands
Sometimes a faction can be altered for balance reasons.
(I think Djinn in Wild is a little silly, myself).

That's not to say that some might not align that way - loners might be found in Wild, or corrupted in Underdark, but this is the way things are.


John Flipp's picture
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10 December 2015
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5 years 44 weeks
tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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3 years 15 weeks

Ira is working hard on RoD.

Menagerie is finished design and on deck for development - but I think it will develop quickly. RoD has some very complicated pieces, such as the Shadow Gold Dragon and the Shadow Beholder...

AndyStone's picture
Pervez74's picture