Scenario D4: Drow Impasse

As the fight for trade resources in the Underdark accelerated, Drow House Scy’Todes and the upstart Drow House P’Ortia engaged in many small skirmishes in throughout their many holdings. Farmed caverns and distant outposts. While fear of other Drow houses kept these houses from large scale battles, numerous clandestine clashes throughout the Underdark claimed many sons and daughters from the two Drow houses. Lolth looked upon the ingenuity and viciousness of her children, and she smiled.

Though House Scy’Todes held an initial advantage, in these clashes, they were eventually worn down by the young trade house. Scenario D4 actually represents many clashes between the two houses. In fact, towards the end of the ‘war,’ it became more common for P’Ortia to attack the Scy’Todes holdings. You can reflect a late war scenario by simply having Scy’Todes pick map and set up first, instead of P’Ortia. Either use the forces listed in the scenario, or construct your own warbands according to the guidelines listed.

The scenario has the information you need to play. Links to the warbands are provided at the bottom of this article. If you don’t actually have a map with Drow in the title, you can download Fane of Lolth or Drow Enclave directly from the Wizards of the Coast website. Or you can agree to a set of maps with your play group. And one more thing! Send us some feedback, either right here, or on one of the D&D minis message boards. We find it very interesting to see which Houses people prefer to play, and how they build their warbands. So why not share your ingenuity with the rest of us? It will also help us while we design and develop future scenarios.


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