Scenario D3: Drow Insurrection

You can now download D3, Drow Insurrection, a brand-new 2-player scenario.

The scenario continues the Drow War campaign. D3 sees the true villainy of House Scy’Todes become apparent in vicious attacks against House P’Ortia. Having weakened House P’Ortia and spread out her assets, Scy’Todes has been discovered and must quickly deal a lethal blow to the upstart house. P’Ortia is outnumbered, but can summon reinforcements quickly. Can they prevail?

While in the early stages of design, this scenario provides an opportunity to help us develop a new concept. Campaign Cards are being built to provide an alternative for standard warband construction. You’ll see more as we develop them over the next several months, but two, one for each of the drow houses, are included in this scenario.


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5 December 2013
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