Scenario D2: Drow Intervention

You can now download Scenario D2, Drow Intervention, which can be played as either a two-player game or a multi-player scenario.

The format sees House P'Ortia continue its raids against Clan Mardek. At least it seems like this is the case with a cursory observation. But there certainly are strange things afoot. For one thing, the dwarf sages tell us that Clan P'Ortia isn't one of the demon-blessed drow houses; rather, it is a travel and trade-based house. So why is there a draegloth in that warband?

This scenario is a preamble to the Gen Con OP Special Event, which will feature a keyword-building drow vs drow scenario. For those of you actually coming to Gen Con, why not bring this scenario with you - it's a great way to get a lot of your friends in on a friendly game of DDM. Of course, this assumes you have some room for drow in your luggage. It also assumes you can tear your self away from practicing for the championship!

If you plan to play in the OP Special Event at Gen Con, then bring your favorite drow and demon figures, some spiders and maybe even a few constructs. And of course, a map with the word "Drow" in the name.

We'll post the full details of the OP Special Event in its very own article soon.


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