Release the Dragons!


Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
Last activity:
3 years 45 weeks
John Almack's picture
Member since:
28 April 2013
Last activity:
6 years 39 weeks
alepulp's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
2 years 49 weeks
John Almack's picture
Member since:
28 April 2013
Last activity:
6 years 39 weeks
Moraturi's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
3 years 49 weeks
Thallean Krin's picture
Member since:
16 June 2015
Last activity:
9 years 14 weeks
Darkones's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
3 years 47 weeks
OWL's picture
Member since:
22 November 2014
Last activity:
8 years 52 weeks
Sirohk's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
2 years 39 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
Last activity:
3 years 39 weeks
Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
Last activity:
3 years 45 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
Last activity:
3 years 39 weeks
Moraturi's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
3 years 49 weeks
alepulp's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
2 years 49 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
Last activity:
3 years 39 weeks
Gloom Demon's picture
Member since:
27 May 2014
Last activity:
8 years 28 weeks
bugging_bear's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
5 years 4 weeks
Justjooaivan's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
1 year 25 weeks

This would be an enemy with the keyword Earth.

tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
Last activity:
3 years 15 weeks

There are more than 15 creatures that have the Earth keyword, and this number will increase with the next set of miniatures to be statted.

John Almack's picture
Member since:
28 April 2013
Last activity:
6 years 39 weeks
Wardude's picture
Member since:
12 July 2015
Last activity:
4 weeks 1 day
tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
Last activity:
3 years 15 weeks

They were on a standard template. Is your printer printing them portrait instead of landscape?

Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
Last activity:
3 years 45 weeks
Matob Matobsen's picture
Member since:
2 December 2011
Last activity:
2 years 40 weeks
Justjooaivan's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
1 year 25 weeks


Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
Last activity:
3 years 45 weeks
John Flipp's picture
Member since:
10 December 2015
Last activity:
5 years 44 weeks
Pervez74's picture