The Rage of Demons Contest


tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
Last activity:
3 years 15 weeks

Fictional Sample (Tried)

Dragon Blessed Kobold (5 Points)
(Small) (Kobold, Dragon)
(Wild, Underdark)

AC: 16 FORT: 14 REF: 16 WILL: 14
HP: 25 Bloodied:10

BASIC (M): +7 vs. AC; 5 Damage.
M: none
R: none
Close: none
Area: none


Dragon Blessed: Whenever targeted with a close, area or ranged attack by a dragon enemy or dragon ally, this creature gains Resist 20 All vs. that attack.


John Almack's picture
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28 April 2013
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6 years 39 weeks
nedleeds's picture
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24 June 2012
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skyscraper's picture
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10 July 2013
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Laurian's picture
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7 July 2011
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4 years 16 weeks
Thenameless's picture
Member since:
27 August 2011
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4 weeks 14 hours

Edited: Comments in the Forums, please!

gontasama's picture
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7 January 2016
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3 years 27 weeks
gontasama's picture
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FriendlyAlienist's picture
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Koen's picture
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7 July 2011
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4 years 11 weeks
Thenameless's picture
Member since:
27 August 2011
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4 weeks 14 hours

Edited: Comments in the Forums Please.

tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
Last activity:
3 years 15 weeks

So, we seem to have 6 entries, and Koen gets to automatically develop his.
We can leave entries open for one additional day - if anyone wants a shot at it but lost track of time.

Moraturi's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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3 years 49 weeks
Appl-GV's picture
Member since:
25 January 2016
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3 years 30 weeks
tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
Last activity:
3 years 15 weeks

LAST MINUTE EDITs are allowed - until midnight, GMT
(0:00 Jan 28, GMT)

Judging starts tonight.

Will the design replace, or at least compete with, the old version?
Is the cost similar?
Is the design creative?
Will it be balanced, or will it skew the metagame?
(the final developed design, not the original submission)

Ready, Ira?


going backwards I have

Mind Flayer Lich
Helmed Horror
Wood Elf
Lizardfolk War Chief

That's eight. I thing we were planning on five, but we might decide to do all...

I have concerns initially with the beholder, as it feel a lot like a scenario monster, and sets somewhat radical new precedents for the competitive game. That scores *high* in creativity and lower in metagame.

Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
Last activity:
3 years 45 weeks
Pervez74's picture