Preview: Item compendium

The DDM Guild is proud to preview the Item Compendium. The Item Compendium, which will be released in the next few days, because we're in the final stages of spell checking. It will be legal for all D&D Miniatures tournaments at GenCon 2011. I am not certain it is going to have any game-breaking pieces in it, but, I can preview a little bit here. The Item Compendium will be a resource, detailing non-creature items you can add to the warband.


All the old sets are included (Treasure Trove, Drow's Fortune, Epic Arcana). Beware: we've gone over those old sets and have reviewed these items. Some of them (around 10) have had their point costs lowered and keywords changed...

In addition to the old item sets, you will find the half set that was promo'ed last year at GenCon. The Outfitter's Shop is filled out to a full set and included. We've gone completely overboard and have added two other sets:

  • Alchemy, which contains items an adventurer is likely to find in an Alchemists shop. With the alchemists ability to transmute the physical properties of a user, to cure poison, and render an opponent vulnerable to attacks, there is probably something for everyone. Rather than aid the Arcane, the set provides arcane aid in the form of potions, bombs and charms.
  • Shipwreck: This set was themed towards disaster at sea. Perhaps a planned disaster, as dark forces act against those on a courier’s quest mission. Even the bravest and best prepared can be no match for an angry sea. They have left their bounty, and two new types of items, for others to find.


On to the preview.. One of the items that is in the Outfitter's Shop is the Lesser Healing Salve, previewed here.

Lesser Healing Salve


If you are a player who is coming to GenCon, make sure to take a look at the minimum of 33ish new items, and maybe closer to 40 or 45 if you include exiting but tweaked items. We are aware that these sets challenge you to get a warband together in time. This is, to some extent, intended. Good luck, and lets find out who this year's best players really are.


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