Premium Set 1


Appl-GV's picture
Member since:
25 January 2016
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3 years 30 weeks
plastic finn's picture
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7 July 2011
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Sirohk's picture
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7 July 2011
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2 years 39 weeks
alepulp's picture
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7 July 2011
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Laurian's picture
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7 July 2011
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4 years 16 weeks
shamurai7's picture
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9 August 2018
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Thenameless's picture
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27 August 2011
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bigfruits's picture
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Thenameless's picture
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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3 years 15 weeks

Its ok not to like cards, folks.
its ok to love them, too.

From the design perspective, its not necessarily that we can't fit things on the cards.
But the cards allow us to bring theme into things.

See, for example, the village raiders set.

@Sham - Of course we aren't going to stop making cards. But its cool for you not to like them, or use them. If you think its sloppy design, no worries. Everyone doesn't have the same taste, in music, art, or even in gaming.

Also - perfectly valid and guild supported to have a tournament or a championship when items are not allowed. I leave that to the organizers.

bshugg's picture
Member since:
11 July 2011
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2 years 35 weeks
Sirohk's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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2 years 39 weeks
Shinsek's picture
Member since:
6 June 2015
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2 years 30 weeks
bshugg's picture
Member since:
11 July 2011
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2 years 35 weeks
Laurian's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 16 weeks
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
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3 years 39 weeks
Pegasus Knight's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 8 weeks
Pegasus Knight's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 8 weeks
Laurian's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 16 weeks
Laurian's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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4 years 16 weeks