Online League: Spring Grand Champion

The DDM Guild's Online League began in February 2009. The league has been a great way to promote some friendly, international, inter-Chapter play. Our Winter 2009 season was brief, but the Spring 2009 season ran a full twelve weeks and produced our first Grand Champion: Eugene 'deadseashoals' Hwang of Seattle, Washington!

Seattle Brute Squad

Eugene is pictured above with Kevin 'ktatroe' Tatroe and Edward 'PhoenixInferno' Kim -- two fellow players in the newly crowned Seattle Brute Squad! Eugene also may be familiar to many as the first place winner in our brief Winter 2009 Season and as the 2009 D&D Miniatures Limited Champion. He's one tough customer!

Eugene enjoyed a very solid record in our Summer 2009 Season, losing only two games during the twelve rounds. However, he still had to fight one last battle against the Dutch Chapter's Bart 'Miniatorix' Vergeer, a tough competitor who placed first in the 2009 Dutch Open and who also suffered only two losses. Vassal users can 'watch' the final match by downloading the vassal log of the game.

Overall, the DDM Guild Online League has been a great success. Our Summer 2009 season saw 179 matches over the 12 weeks, with nine countries represented among the players. See below for a list of the top players and Chapters.

Online league rocks! Our Summer 2009 Season is underway, and already we have enjoyed a variety of formats: scenario, sealed, and championship prep. Visit Hordelings and sign up for our next round!

Top Players

  • deadseashoals -- Seattle
  • Miniatorix -- Netherlands
  • Demetri0us -- Sioux Falls
  • Justjooaivan -- Finland
  • Kezghan -- Vancouver
  • papa -- Brasil
  • plastic finn -- Finland
  • Hougar -- PA/NJ
  • Tundrin -- PA/NJ
  • ALLelf -- Atlanta
  • KuMag -- Philippines
  • Sirohk -- Buffalo
  • Top Chapters

  • PA/NJ
  • Russia
  • Finland
  • Sioux Falls
  • Seattle
  • Philippines
  • Netherlands
  • Brasil
  • Bismark
  • Vancouver
  • Atlanta
  • Buffalo
  • Tags:


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