Legendary Evils Stat Cards

With the release of Legendary Evils just days away, and with the special pre-release this weekend at GenCon courtesy of Wizards of the Coast, it's time to unveil the DDM Guild stat cards for Legendary Evils.

The stat cards will be legal for all DCI-sanctioned and Online League events starting August 18, 2009.

Keith Tatroe led the Legendary Evils design team, consisting of himself, Jim Ansaldo, and Peter Lee, with additional contributions by the Wizards of the Coast restat teams. Kevin Tatroe led the development team, consisting of himself and D. Garry Stupack.

Go here and download them. Dissect them, discuss them -- and come find us at the show and tell us what you thing. Most of all, get out there and play them!
Legendary Evils Stat Cards


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