Icons of the Realms Starter Set


Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
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3 years 45 weeks
Justjooaivan's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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1 year 25 weeks

Great cards. I see something familiar about the names.... Smile
"Jousimie" should really be "Jousimies", though. Just one s missing.

John Almack's picture
Member since:
28 April 2013
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6 years 39 weeks
alepulp's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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2 years 49 weeks
OWL's picture
Member since:
22 November 2014
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8 years 52 weeks
Sirohk's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
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2 years 39 weeks
John Almack's picture
Member since:
28 April 2013
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6 years 39 weeks
tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
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3 years 15 weeks

Tyranny of Dragons is statted.

We started out with a host of designers, but I finished it all up, did initial development, and I am now working closely with Ira to do final development.
(They are typeset, but typos to fix, etc).

Dragons become nasty, as you might imagine from the name of the set.
Lots of aerial units.
Some new mechanics and interpretations of powers (translations to miniatures game)
to keep your game and your thinking fresh.

alepulp's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
2 years 49 weeks
John Almack's picture
Member since:
28 April 2013
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6 years 39 weeks
Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
Last activity:
3 years 45 weeks
John Almack's picture
Member since:
28 April 2013
Last activity:
6 years 39 weeks
kellywilson's picture
Member since:
25 January 2016
Last activity:
8 years 34 weeks
Pervez74's picture