Floor Rules Update

The DDM Guild is pleased to bring you the most recent update to the floor rules, which includes updates to the legal maps and figures, as well as a table of contents for quickly finding what you need if you are working from a print, rather than pdf, copy. We’ve also finally listed Windswept Precipice as legal for the small map formats (and you can still download it here), to confirm it is legal for sanctioned play. We hope you like the new, easier to read format of the floor rules—thanks to David Balder for his help with this.

Revised Edition vs Original Edition

We’d like one set of floor rules to govern all DDM play, regardless of format and edition. Right now we have no banned figures in the original edition game, but we will keep a watchful eye on things. (Yes, the Drider Sorcerer is legal again, at least for the time being.) If you do encounter any problems, post them. We’ll take note, and make certain to address things in a future release of the floor rules.

Adding Heroscape

Yes, absolutely—sort of. Heroscape minis that are reprints of DDM sculpts are legal. However, because Heroscape minis do not fit into DDM’s grid squares, you must first “re-base” the miniature by removing the existing base and putting it on an appropriately sized round base.

Watch for an upcoming article dealing with techniques for doing so. For now, you can enjoy the goodness of the upcoming Heroscape releases, and even plan to incorporate them into your favorite warbands. (See Appendix B of the floor rules for a complete list to the end of D1.) Hope you enjoy these new/old minis—kind of like a digital remastering of an old favorite movie. Peter Lee of WotC did an outstanding job in picking them, and the new color schemes and presentations make these “must haves” even for an old grognard like me.

Download the latest version of the D&D Miniatures Game Floor Rules here!


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20 August 2013
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