Dwarven Tiles



caleb's picture
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tried's picture
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PM me. We'll figure something out.

Miniatorix's picture
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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oops. what I wrote here is correct.

If you place it on their half, its your VA.
If you place it on your half, it is their VA.

bshugg's picture
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11 July 2011
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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You are correct on most counts, Brad.

Didn't want to do this, but here I'll share a few things behind intent. Usually I want the players to do the discover via playtest (which is simply what this is.) The relative lack of responses, however, I am interpreting as a lack of general interest.

The Secret doors actually typically a boon to melee bands, unless the other player has throwaway pieces
The Second pit takes away cover as well.
The first pit (D1) does little except create a new shared VA with interesting tactical repercussions.
(you'll see when you play it - I actually don't see it being chosen as much as being a set piece on a single map - but I do see it being chosen in the double map, since
it can also be rotated and placed straddling the two maps in the two map version. It then creates a choke point on one side of the central pillar. On the two map version, D4 is not played, but D1, D2 etc are. D5 is played by arcane archers.

As far as different tiles same space goes - that is part of the plan, though I had no intention of outlining areas or anything like that. I was just going to make several tiles that fit a certain spot. Players will get used to it.

Based on Sellsword, I'm liking the smaller tiles less and less. Its likely I will change up the way that game works to include tiles at least 3x4. I'd love to do 3D tiles (altars - whatever) that could be duplicated with miniatures by compulsive players.


Justjooaivan's picture
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7 July 2011
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Very hard to get any playtest going on across a real board. And since this particular map is not on Vassal (sort of waiting for those image files... Wink ), I can't really say anything yet.

tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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3 years 15 weeks

I can take a picture of my actual map, but Demetrious is the one with the real master PDF.
(My pdf says 'proof' across it).

Thenameless's picture
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