A Demon and his dog...


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tried's picture
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Yes. Ira was really the driver on some things and is deserving of appreciation in this way. - where I told him that we needed to reword parts of the rules on things, he was the one driving the new wording of blindsight and the new way in which we will deal with adding creatures to a warband in game.

Because this is not part of warband building, it will have its own subsection of the rules. At this point, the added figure CAN violate total warband cost and CAN violate creature limit, but may not violate faction and good.evil limiters.
(are there any good demons?)

Ira's picture
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Moraturi's picture
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tried's picture
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12 January 2010
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"At the moment, the best example I can think of is Hobgoblin Talon of Tiamat + Favored Dracophile item. For that power, we previously ruled that it allows the player to break creature limit, faction, duplicate Unique, good/evil, and max single creature cost rule (75% rule). By card text, any faction is allowed and point limit must be observed. Also, we ruled that the power doesn't allow the player to break Sociopathic restrictions."

No, this is a different example because the card text clearly states 'any' dragon, and has other limiters stated in it.

Just as the last rules added explicit generic trigger times to cover powers that have no explicit trigger time, this set of rules will have a section addressing adding creatures to your warband as a general process.

As is always the nature of this game, explicit card text will over-rule general rules.

annalee's picture
Pervez74's picture
Pervez74's picture