DDM Guild Online League

As the name indicates, DDM Guild League will be played online using meeting tools like the Vassal Game Engine. Guild League will feature a variety of formats, including Sealed play and the Guild’s monthly campaign scenarios.


Online League will be played in seasons. We will hold winter, spring, summer, and fall leagues. Wins and losses for each player will be tracked and posted on Hordelings. Win/loss records will be reset each season.


Each Online League season will be played in rounds. Rounds typically will consist of one match per player per week, though special formats may alter this structure from time to time. Each round will specify a deadline for sign-up and reporting of match results. Match pairings will be made randomly, with the following additional conditions:

  • All attempts will be made to match players who have not battled in the last three rounds.
  • If there is an odd number of players signed-up for a given round, the player with the best record will be matched with a Guild-selected Celebrity Nemesis.

Formats and Scenarios

Online League is intended to foster casual and experimental play. Each round will feature a different format and/or scenario. Formats and scenarios may feature unusual victory conditions or unique rules. The idea is to provide variety and challenge players to use their ingenuity and creativity. The rules for each format and/or scenario will be provided in each round’s announcement post.


A deadline for sign-up will be posted in the round announcement thread before the beginning of each new round of play. Players must declare their intent to play in that round by the deadline specified in the round announcement. At this time, players must provide their names and their geographic locations. Within 24 hours after the close of a given round’s sign-up period, players will be matched, and match pairings will be posted.

Scheduling Matches

As stated, Online League matches will be played online, using the Vassal Game Engine. Once match pairings have been posted, each player must contact her opponent in order to schedule the match. Players then must post in the round’s announcement thread, stating that they have contacted their opponents. Doing so allows opponents to respond in case a communication error has occurred, and it informs the Online League administrator that an attempt has been made. Once scheduling has been agreed upon, one player must post the date and time of the match. If a player has not received a response from the opponent after two contact attempts have been made, the player must inform the Online League administrator regarding the situation.

Withdrawing from a Match

A player that is unable to play a scheduled match must contact the opponent and post in the current round’s sign-up thread, stating intent to withdraw from the match. Said player also must post the contact attempt in the round announcement thread. A player that fails to notify the opponent regarding withdrawal will be suspended from Online League until an appropriate resolution has been reached. Players whose opponents fail to show up for a scheduled and posted match will be awarded a win.


If they are unable to play a scheduled and posted game within the round’s specified time frame, two matched players may agree to declare the match a draw. Draws neither add nor subtract from a player’s win/loss record.

Warband Construction Errors

Both players are responsible for ensuring that warband construction rules have been followed correctly. If an error is noticed once a match begins and warbands have been revealed, the responsible player immediately must alter the warband to meet the conditions specified by the round’s warband construction rules. Play then continues. If players are unable to agree on an appropriate alteration of the offending warband, the match must be paused and logged (see below), and players must contact the Online League administrator.

Resolving Disputes

If there is a dispute or rules question, and players can’t come to consensus, game play should stop. Log the game, and post in the round announcement thread the details of the dispute or question. You will be contacted by the League Martial, who will make the final determination. The match may then be continued to completion. A player that fails to schedule and play the completion of a match will be treated as having withdrawn from the match, and the opponent will be awarded the win. In the case that both players fail to schedule and play the completion of a match, both players will receive a loss.

Logging Matches

Each Online League match must be logged. Failure to log a match may result in disqualification of match results. Logs must be started before warbands are revealed and must not be ended until after completion of the match. Both players should log the match. Logs should be kept until the close of each league season.

Reporting Matches

The winner of each match must report match results in the announcement thread for that round. The following information is required in each game report:

  • Name of winning player
  • Name of losing player
  • Match highlights (optional)


Online League rocks! The following is a quick summary of player responsibilities:

  • Read this week’s round announcement
  • Sign up in the round announcement thread by the deadline
  • Once you’re paired, contact your opponent to arrange your match
  • Post your contact attempt in the round announcement thread
  • Once your match has been arranged, post the date and time in the round announcement thread
  • Begin the logfile before you begin your match
  • Play your match
  • Winners post match results in the round announcement thread
  • When win/loss records are posted, verify that your stats are correct
  • Sign up to play again!



apolsasam's picture
Member since:
19 April 2014
Last activity:
10 years 25 weeks
DarkDestoyer's picture
Member since:
27 September 2016
Last activity:
3 years 34 weeks
Pervez74's picture