A Bit of Housekeeping



Thenameless's picture
Member since:
27 August 2011
Last activity:
4 weeks 13 hours
skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
Last activity:
3 years 39 weeks
Laurian's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
4 years 16 weeks
Shinsek's picture
Member since:
6 June 2015
Last activity:
2 years 30 weeks
bshugg's picture
Member since:
11 July 2011
Last activity:
2 years 35 weeks
alepulp's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
2 years 49 weeks
tried's picture
Member since:
12 January 2010
Last activity:
3 years 15 weeks

Thanks Brad. We have not done the LINKS page in a long time.
Probably its only useful for the facebook page.


skyscraper's picture
Member since:
10 July 2013
Last activity:
3 years 39 weeks
John Flipp's picture
Member since:
10 December 2015
Last activity:
5 years 44 weeks
Ira's picture
Member since:
27 May 2013
Last activity:
3 years 45 weeks

I've been intending to get the webcard tool updated for years, and I keep prioritizing other things. I hope to get that working at some point, and thus we'll have a platform-agnostic tool... If anyone can magically give me an extra hour or two per day, I'd be happy to make this happen...

FriendlyAlienist's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
3 years 49 weeks
bigfruits's picture
Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
4 years 30 weeks
Elixe Treestalker's picture
Member since:
31 May 2013
Last activity:
2 years 10 weeks