Battle Rules Updates

I hope you're all prepping your Championship warbands, getting ready to start playing with the Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2 figures releasing today, and bracing yourself for the rapid Legendary Evils previews starting Thursday.

In preparation for GenCon, the Guild has released a revision to the Battle Rules which incorporate a number of clarifications and corrections. Included is one clarification that might throw a few folks off, based on informal surveys we've done. We've clarified that Blindsight X is meant to work the same way as in the RPG, and not how many of us (myself included) thought the original rules, as introduced in a FAQ, seemed to read.

In addition to the revised Battle Rules, we've released a new Errata which incorporates errata from the latest DDM Guild-issued cards, as well as the latest round of cards released by Wizards of the Coast (can you believe 5 sets have released since May, our last update?).

You can find these updated resources on the Battle Rules page.

Moreover, the final versions of the Guild-issued "war block" cards -- War Drums, War of the Dragon Queen, and Blood War are also now available from that same page.

Finally, we're now recommending that the Comprehensive Rules Guide no longer be used as a primary rules source--it needs updating to the latest rules, and for the past five months, the vast majority of all rules questions that we've been watching and responding to are directly answerable in the Battle Rules themselves. We will be releasing a revised version in the future, and keeping it up to date with the Battle Rules, but for the moment, the Battle Rules are the primary source.

And where it isn't clear, be sure to keep us on our toes--keep at playing and keep at asking us questions so we can continue to improve the Battle Rules and gather info for the upcoming CRG rewrite.

See you in Indy!


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Member since:
20 August 2013
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10 years 41 weeks
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