Battle Rules (2009) -- Revised Beta

Based on feedback from the first beta rules, we’ve made some corrections and changes to the Battle Rules (2009) document. You can download the revised version here:

While this isn’t the final form, we recommend starting to play using these rules right away. The final version will likely change only typos, and add diagrams and the glossary.

This release changes a number of typos and revises text for clarity. In addition, the following specific changes have been made:

Page 3, “How to Read an Item Stat Card”: Fixed erroneous reference to creature stat card.

Page 4, “Core Rules and Exceptions”: Settled on “rules” over “statements” and changed so we’re consistently using one throughout.

Page 5, “Champion Test”: Added what to do in the case the results are tied.

Page 9, “Charge”: Added that you have to have line of sight both to the target square and the target creature to declare a charge.

Page 11, “Attack Roll”: Added rules for Conceal.

Page 11, “Line of Sight”: Added rule that you can’t trace line of sight to an invisible creature.

Page 12, “Duration”: Added separate “End of its next turn” and “End of its turn” entries.

Page 12, “Insubstantial”: Restored Insubstantial creatures taking full damage from critical hits.

Page 14, “Combat Advantage”: Changed “invisible” to “line of sight”.

Page 17, “Mounts”: Fixed example of Mount power for Warhorse from Martial to Human and Elf allies.

Page 18, “Mount”: Fixed Mounting to be a replaces move action that provokes opportunity attacks.

Page 18, “Dismount”: Fixed dismounting to be a replaces move action that provokes opportunity attacks.

Page 18, “Dismount”: Restored rule that a creature can’t take any further actions on a turn it dismounts.

Page 18, “Squeezing”: Added note that only huge creatures can squeeze.

Page 18, “Multiple Terrain Types”: Rewrote this entry so it’s more clear how terrain interacts in a square that has multiple terrain types.

Page 19, “Sewer”: Restored “living creature”.

Page 20, “Scenarios”: Removed tie-breakers. Tie-breakers are an artifact of timed games, so the tie-breakers are better listed in the Floor Rules.

Page 20, “Smoke”: Added that a creature occupying smoke cannot trace line of sight to a non-adjacent square.

Page 20, “Spike Stones”: Added clause that a creature that ignores the cost of entering the terrain does not take damage from it. This isn’t strictly necessary, but makes it more clear to casual observers.

Page 20, “Steep Slope”: Added clarification on how Steep Slope terrain interacts with forced-movement effects.

Page 20, “Teleporter”: Reordered teleport rules slightly to make them a bit clearer.

Page 22, “Arena”: Fixed erroneous reference to Assault in No Larger Than Huge block.

Page 22, “Sealed Booster Games”: Added 400-point sealed for huge sets and removed references to 100-point and 500-point sealed.

The Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Game Battle Rules (2009) is an updated, reorganized, and rewritten version of the game’s rules that incorporates the errata, clarifications, and updates since the release of the original rulebook in March 2008. This new rulebook is available immediately in beta form for feedback from the community, and will be released in its final form in February 2009.


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