2011 revised edition rulebook - beta

It was probably bound to happen sooner or later. It is a living game. If the players all keep asking for a new rule book, with new rules to cover newly arising situations, well, we couldn’t say no forever.

Certainly, the designs in the last few sets of creatures have pushed the envelope of the game, and the current rules, while excellent, started to have a few gray areas for the judges to ponder.

So, here we would like to introduce the 2011 rulebook. It has a few features added. First, it is now very small in size (and therefore quick to download). The titles of the rule sections are increased in font size to make it friendlier to skim to a section you want to read. More importantly, it introduces a few rules changes and clarifications that should make your games smoother. Many of the more significant changes are listed on page 24. Grognards will certainly not want to ignore the rewritten sections on conditions, charging, and sight area attacks, but I would recommend reading the whole thing.

Of course, you may all have several thoughts on how we’ve implemented this. Please post any comments or concerns you might have right here on this page, so we have them a single source to parse through. These rules are essentially a beta that you may use this month (but are not required to).

They will become the sanctioned rules beginning July 1, 2011. Please without further ado on to the Download.


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Member since:
7 July 2011
Last activity:
8 years 5 weeks
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