2011 Floor Rules

The new floor rules for 2011 are ready, and as always apply to both the revised edition and for those of you playing the original edition. The big changes for most people will include the much anticipated ban of the Solamith, and the formalization of the return to active play of the Eternal Blade, Witchknife and Delver Sergeant. You may notice that the Heroscape wave 13 figures are listed as legal. The finals are fairly similar to the betas that were tested last December, and we will have those up very soon for you.

Of course, new releases for 2011 will also be legal as they come out (including the recently released TT3), and this web site is your best place to find them. Well, here or at GenCon, where we always have a surprise or two up our sleeves, and I don’t expect this year to be any different.

We certainly look forward to seeing you there!


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Member since:
5 December 2013
Last activity:
10 years 40 weeks
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