Original Edition: Dangerous Delves Stat Cards

I’d like to take this opportunity to post the first official communication from the original edition (OE) team, which many of you know colloquially as the 1.0 team. Designing and developing enduring and interesting stats is no light load, and and so it should come as no surprise to people that to release a quality product, it has taken some time. This has been a long and frustrating process, involving a guide for creating stats and acquiring an infrastructure to develop them. However, for those of you who still play the original edition, I think you’ll agree it was well worth the wait.

Peter Scott is our Original Edition liaison, and I’ll let him take it from here…

The OE team is very excited to release our first fully DCI-Sanctionable set of stats. These Dangerous Delves cards are a brand new design made by our own Demetri0us with the feel of 1.0 cards, but still very definitely their own. Get going on playing with the new cards and let us know how you’re getting on. Our own LLarbal (Paul Bakker) and the team have developed a very stringent and comprehensive set of design rules to ensure that new pieces are well-balanced. We try very hard to ensure that ‘some’ of the 2.0 (4e) design intentions are reflected, where possible, but we similarly try very hard to introduce many spells and feats from the expanded 3.5 series of products that have not yet been explored in the skirmish game. Our object is to create interesting creatures and abilities so that the game continues to provide new and exciting options.

In addition to these cards, we’re excited to have other sets of stats already in play-testing. We already have a lot of great feedback from our Dungeons of Dread testing teams. We have sets of stats from PHH1 and Legendary Evils that are also in the testing queue. New stats will be joined by a reworked rule book, based on the many rulings from Guy as well as some of the changes intended for the OE game. The Starter Set creatures were the restat-prototypes, and will be included with the revised rulebook. Another major concern to address in the new rules is the issue that some of the new maps do not have exit squares, and standardized rules will be needed. All in all: we’re hard at work behind the scenes.

The OE game has a dedicated fan base and is very much alive and kicking. If you are one of these folks, or just a little nostalgic, why not join our “1.0 League”, as run from the Hordelings and WoTC websites. Or, even better, invite back the old-timers for a local sealed game,and try out the new set!

Enjoy the Dangerous Delves cards!

Peter Scott (Alepulp) for the OE team.

PS: You can download the rules, errata and older cards from the Original Edition rules page.